This past weekend I was experimenting with a cake I'm developing for a contest. The topping of the cake was chocolate ganache. I guess I over estimated the ganache needed so I had some extra...WOOHOO! Lots of ideas ran through my head, but Truffles seemed like the best one. They were very easy to make and delicious! This recipe should make about 20 truffles.
1 bag chocolate chips
2/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup cocoa powder (the truffles with the light coating are covered with ground almonds, I had a small amount of them left and crushed them in my magic bullet)
Over double boiler, heat cream & chocolate chips. When chocolate is almost completely melted, take off heat and continue stirring until completely smooth. Let cool for about 10 minutes, then pour into an airtight container and refrigerate for 2 or more hours. When ready to make, pour cocoa powder on a plate. Take ganache out of fridge and scoop out large tablespoons. Roll in your hands until a ball forms (this part is a little messy). Then roll the ball into the cocoa powder (or almonds) until it's covered well and not sticky. Then roll the truffles around your fingers (or a paper towel) to get the excess cocoa powder off. Place completed truffles back in the fridge and enjoy at your leisure! (I'm sneaking about 1 a day)
How to Organize iPhone Photos
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