This is the first time I have gone to this Beer Festival. I went ahead and bought tickets in advance (Only $15). The tickets included unlimited beer samples. Food was extra. They also had live music which was nice. My one complaint about the music though is they took about an hour break where they had contests like best abs and hairiest chest...I mean come on, we aren't on a cruise. I got a chance to sample most of the beers, the good thing was there weren't huge lines. They had more well known beers like Presidente & Carib. Most of the beers I tried were pretty good. But here is my best and worst.
Best beer: Warsteiner Dark Ale, it was smooth and not to hoppy. It was slightly malty, which I like. I will be looking for this next time I go to Total Wine.
Worst Beer: Jupiter Brewing Company's Organic Amber Ale. I was excited to try a beer from a Florida Brewery, but wow it was horrible! It tasted like something died in thinking was that there was too much yeast. It was so bad, I had to dump it out.
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